Is The Essential Wilderness Survival Skills Online Course Right for You? Take the Free Quiz!

Nature Skills & Wilderness Survival School

Alderleaf survival school images

Welcome to Alderleaf Wilderness College, a wilderness survival school and outdoor education center. Alderleaf offers courses on wilderness survival, wild edible & medicinal plants, permaculture, wildlife tracking, and more.

Be More Prepared For Your Next Outdoor Adventure!

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Don't leave home without knowing these six essential survival skills. Our free survival mini guide reveals the strategies of:

  • Shelter & fire to prevent the number one cause of death
  • Obtaining clean water to avoid life-threatening dehydration
  • Common wild survival foods and other critical skills!

"If you want to learn about wilderness skills from extremely knowledgeable instructors, then Alderleaf is for you. I learned more than I ever thought possible at their classes." 
-Casey Kafka

Featured Courses:

Essential Skills of Wilderness Survival online course logo

Essential Wilderness Survival Skills
(Online Course)
Learn the core skills of survival in a format that allows you to participate at home and at your own pace. Accepting registrations

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Introduction to Wildlife Tracking
(Online Course)
Discover the skills that reveal the hidden world around you. Animal tracking is vital for safety, survival, and deepening your connection to nature. Accepting registrations

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Introduction to Foraging for Wild Edible Plants
(Online Course)
Discover the keys to getting started with identifying and gathering wild food plants in North America. Accepting registrations

Our Survival Book that became a Bestseller!

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The Essential Skills of Wilderness Survival 
(paperback and ebook versions available)

This masterfully-organized survival book will empower you to survive emergencies and grow deeper connections to nature, with expert instructor, Jason Knight of Alderleaf. On sale for a limited time

Popular In-Person Classes

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Wild Edible & Medicinal Plants Course
Learn how to utilize a diversity of native wild plants for food and medicine in the wilderness or at home. Accepting registrations

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Weekend Wilderness Survival Course
Learn the most important skills for survival: shelter, water, fire, and food while gaining practical, hands-on experience. Accepting registrations

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Wild Mushroom Identification Class
Learn the skills needed to forage for wild edible mushrooms! Spend a day learning about these magnificent fungi. Accepting registrations


Wildlife Trailing Class
Learn how to locate fresh animal sign, follow the tracks and subtle clues, and find animals without alerting them. Accepting registrations

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Custom Courses, Presentations, and Consulting
Customized wilderness skills education for groups, organizations, individuals, and families. Virtual and in-person options. Inquire today

More Courses and Events...

Testimonials on Alderleaf - Nature & Survival School:

"Alderleaf Wilderness College is outstanding at developing and delivering wilderness skills programs, providing both a deep level of knowledge and context for the teachings."
-Ryan Whisnant

"I would recommend Alderleaf to anyone wanting to reconnect with nature and a desire to live simply, with and for the land. Through their program I have become the change I was waiting for!"
-Jase Grimm

"Alderleaf provides a wide range of studies that will increase anyone's knowledge and understanding of the natural world."
-Seth Anthony

"Every course I've taken at Alderleaf Wilderness College has had a huge positive impact on my life and changed the way I look at, approach, and relate to the world around me."
-Tyler Shannon

"Alderleaf is a wonderful school for learning how to live with the earth and not just on it."
-Gianna Torres

"Alderleaf Wilderness College's staff uses teaching styles that allows for all kinds of learners to learn and have fun. I use this knowledge all the time. I would highly recommend this wilderness survival school to others."
-Rocco Gianni

Is The Essential Wilderness Survival Skills Course Right for You? Take the "Online Survival Training Readiness" Quiz

See for yourself if this eye-opening course is a good fit for you. It takes just a few minutes! Get your Survival Training Readiness Score Now!

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Grow Your Outdoor Skills! Get monthly updates on new wilderness skills, upcoming courses, and special opportunities. Join the free Alderleaf eNews and as a welcome gift you'll get a copy of our Mini Survival Guide.

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