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Special Carnivore Tracking Workshop
with Sue Morse!

Susan Morse black bear

Course Details:
Dates: TBD
Duration: 9:30am - 4:30pm
Location: Monroe, WA
Instructor: Sue Morse of Keeping Track
Cost: $150

Alderleaf is excited to be hosting distinguished tracker and wildlife photographer Sue Morse (visiting all the way from Vermont!) for a special Carnivore Tracking Workshop. Susan has over thirty years of experience interpreting wildlife habitat uses, with a specialty in black bear, cougar, bobcat, and Canada lynx.

The workshop begins with a fascinating slideshow presentation on Sue's recent research on scent-marking behaviors. Then the course heads out in the field for the day to discover carnivore tracks and sign in the forested foothills behind the Alderleaf campus.

You learn how to apply scientific knowledge about the habits and habitats of various carnivores to predict where to look for sign. In the field you will learn "search imaging" as well as Keeping Track's scientific documentation methods for photographing tracks and sign. This is a great opportunity to add to your journals and photographic records!

Register today to reserve your spot - space is limited.

Susan Morse cougar

The wildlife photographs on this page were taken by Sue Morse.
All rights reserved by Sue Morse.

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