Cob Oven Workshop |
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This hands-on workshop covers cob oven construction from start to finish. Let your imagination soar while learning ecologically appropriate, sustainable building skills!
The cob oven project demonstrates the basics of earthen cob construction building techniques as well as some of the more advanced natural building techniques. Discussions center on key principles of natural building such as design, foundations, roof systems and also the use of local, abundant materials. In this cob oven workshop you will learn some of the tricks used in building fast, yet sturdy structures with sustainable methods.
We invite you to spend the weekend immersed in cob construction at the beautiful campus of Alderleaf Wilderness College.
For answers to logistical questions, such as accommodations, travel and what to bring, visit our Frequently Asked Questions.
Instructor: Eli Adadow: As a practitioner of experiential education since his early childhood, the hands-on approach has always come first in Eli's life. Eli's natural building experience started with extensive travel around the globe working as a nurse and studying structures made with local materials in places such as Tibet, India, Nepal, Africa, and South America. In 1999 he started his apprenticeship with the Cob Cottage Company in Oregon, and quickly progressed to building whole, finished structures. Eli has worked with apprentices, adult groups and children's groups, including school and camp settings. He relies on natural, non-toxic, and local building materials. His teaching includes ecology and orientation of the site, and also focuses on local and global sustainability as it relates to shelter. His courses emphasize community building, as well as experiential methods of learning.
The need to build sustainable and healthy structures has been the driving force in the creation of Ancient Earth School of Natural Building. The simple and spiritual methods of building with the earth are too often forgotten in our busy modern world. Eli's mission is to help bring these methods back into our daily lives and make them accessible to everyone. His mantra is, "Local abundance."
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