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Filip Tkaczyk

Filip Tkaczyk is the author of Tracks & Sign of Reptiles & Amphibians. He is a periodic guest teacher at Alderleaf and was a core instructor for many years. He has written many articles for the Alderleaf website. Filip is an experienced naturalist who has extensively studied the ecosystems of Washington State. He is certified as a Track & Sign Specialist, holds a Permaculture Design Certificate, and earned a B.S. in Wildlife Science from the University of Washington. Included in his experiences as a naturalist, he has lead bird walks with Seattle Audubon and taught outdoors skills to adults and youth for various organizations such as The Wildlife Society. Filip has also worked with the Olympic National Park conducting bat research, and for the University of Washington, leading an in-depth study on nutria in the Seattle area. He is also a professional nature photographer who has captured wildlife images around the world.

Filip Tkaczyk's LinkedIn Profile

Articles by Filip Tkaczyk on the Alderleaf Website:

- Making Fire with Bow and Drill
- Camping Knots for Wilderness Survival
- How to Read a Compass
- Basic Survival Skills
- Causes of Hypothermia
- Giardia Symptoms and Treatment
- Pemmican Recipes
- How to Read a Map: Topographical Map
- Survival Essentials: What Matters Most
- Outdoor Survival Training
- Pacific Northwest Weather
- Handdrill: Parts and Technique
- Cordage: Making Natural Rope
- Survival Gear List: The Survival Essentials
- Survival Plants
- Survival Clothing
- Wild Edible Plants: Benefits, Hazards, and Major Groups
- Coniferous Forest Plants of the Pacific Northwest
- Pacific Bleeding Heart Plants
- Identifying Wild Mushrooms
- Edible Weeds: A Different Perspective
- Blackberry Plants - One of the Tastiest Wild Fruits
- Fiddlehead Ferns: Springtime Edible Treats
- Edible Berries: Wild Delights
- Edible Wild Mushrooms
- Poisonous Mushrooms
- Types of Evergreen Trees: The Best Ones for Wilderness Survival
- Tree Identification: Key Features for Identifying Trees
- Tincture Recipes Article
- Plant Identification: Newcomb's Wildflower Method
- Floating Pond Plants: For Habitat, Food and Beauty
- Types of Mushrooms: For Medicine and Permaculture
- Antifungal Herbs: Healing Allies
- Herbs for Allergies: Common Allies
- Plants in the Desert: Living Survival Aids
- Urban Foraging
- Chantrelle Mushrooms
- Turkey Tail Mushrooms: Fungal Medicine
- Wild Edible Greens
- Foraging for Wild Edibles
- Lobster Mushroom
- Edible Seaweeds
- Morel Mushrooms
- Medicinal Herb Gardening Using Permaculture Techniques
- Fruit Tree Pruning Instructions
- Creating a Permaculture Food Forest
- A List of Deer Resistant Plants
- Evergreen Shrubs: Best Choices for Permaculture
- Benefits of Small Backyard Ponds
- Freshwater Ecosystems: Ponds for Permaculture
- Plants for Ponds 
- Forest Food Web
- Fukuoka Farming
- Garden Companion Planting
- Growing Chives
- Worm Composting System
- Backyard Fish Farming
- Heating a Greenhouse
- Permaculture Principles
- Solar Ovens
- Fox Tracks and Sign: A Field Guide Account
- Skunk Tracks and Sign: A Field Guide Account
- Black-tailed Deer Tracks and Sign: A Field Guide Account
- Hare and Rabbit Tracks: A Field Guide Account
- American Black Bear Tracks and Sign: A Field Guide Account
- Snake Tracks: Understanding Serpent Locomotion
- A List of Mammals in North America
- Recognizing Badger Habitat
- Recognizing Coyote Habitat
- Recognizing Wild Turkey Habitat
- Recognizing Wolverine Habitat
- Recognizing Bobcat Habitat
- Recognizing Woodpecker Habitat
- Mammal Tracks & Sign: A Book Review
- Tracking Animals: Understanding the Basics
- Wolf Tracks and Sign
- Bird Tracks: Identification by Foot Structure
- Cat Tracks: North American Species
- Finding Quality Tracking Instructors
- Skull Identification
- Human Tracking
- Winter Birding in the Pacific Northwest
- Hummingbird Migration
- How to Draw Birds for a Naturalist Journal
- Identification of Wild Birds: Tips and Techniques
- Sharp-Shinned Hawk and Cooper's Hawk
- Free Birdhouse Plans
- Bird Communication
- Black-capped chickadee
- Bird Feather Identification
- Hummingbird Habitat
- Bird Behavior
- Bird Language: Understanding the Fundamentals
- Bald Eagle Habitat
- Bird Identification
- Outdoor Games for Children
- Nature Scavenger Hunt
- Nature Photography for Beginners
- Identify Spiders: A How-to Guide
- Identify Snakes: A How-to Guide
- Wildlife Pencil Drawings
- Black Bear Pictures
- Swamp Ecosystem: Ecology and Survival
- Ecosystem Succession: Disturbance and Recovery
- Field Herpetology
- Wild Mushroom Recipes

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