Is The Essential Wilderness Survival Skills Online Course Right for You? Take the Free Quiz!

Leah Houghton

Leah Houghton is an experienced wilderness skills educator and permaculturist. She wrote articles for the Alderleaf website while teaching at Alderleaf. She has worked as a camp director in the remote wilderness of the Cascade Mountains teaching children outdoor skills and horseback riding, as an instructor at Quiet Heart Wilderness School, and in a Montessori classroom. She holds a Level III Track & Sign Certification and a Level II Trailing Certification from CyberTracker. Leah is a graduate of the Wilderness Instructor Apprenticeship Program, Advanced Wilderness Skills Program, and the Alderleaf Wilderness Certification Program. Leah enjoys practicing homesteading skills such as gardening & food preservation and has experience raising & processing goats, rabbits and chickens.

Articles by Leah Houghton on the Alderleaf Website:

- Cattail Plants - Friend of the Forager, Bushcrafter, & Basket-Maker

- How to Raise Chickens

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Is The Essential Wilderness Survival Skills Course Right for You? Take the "Online Survival Training Readiness" Quiz

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