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Reptile & Amphibian Tracking Course

Reptile & Amphibian Tracking
Course Details:

Dates: TBD 2019
Duration: 9am Sat - 5pm Sun
Location: Monroe, WA & field sites
Instructor: Filip Tkaczyk
Cost: $250

Learn about a whole new arena of wildlife tracking! Filip Tkaczyk, author of "Tracks & Signs of Reptiles and Amphibians" will be teaching about the tracks of these scaly, slimy, and slithering animals. 

This course covers tracks and sign of reptiles and amphibians from both west and east of the Cascade Mountains, and beyond. Learn about how snakes slither, salamanders plod, and frogs leap.  Learn about how these animals, commonly called "herps," move; interact with their environments and with their fellow animals; and the evidence they leave behind.

In this course you will learn:

  • The fundamental principles of wildlife tracking
  • New information to the world of tracking
  • Tracks & sign of reptiles & amphibians from WA state and beyond
  • Observe animals in the field moving and leaving tracks & sign with the author

On Saturday class begins with a short presentation at the Alderleaf campus, with the rest of the day spent in the field at local tracking hotspots on the west side of the Cascades, focusing on amphibian tracks and sign. On Sunday the class will travel over the mountains to the sagebrush deserts of central Washington to focus on reptiles. Fil will share the new information about herp tracks & sign that he discovered through the process of creating the field guide!

Register for the Reptile & Amphibian Tracking Course

Filip Tkaczyk is an experienced naturalist who has extensively studied the ecosystems of Washington State. He is the author of "Tracks and Sign of Reptiles and Amphibians" through Stackpole Books. He is certified as a Track & Sign Specialist and earned a B.S. in Wildlife Science from the University of Washington. Fil has worked for Seattle Audubon, the Wildlife Society, and the Olympic National Park. He is also a professional nature photographer who has captured wildlife images around the world.

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